Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wedding Updates (08.10.09)

Some things off our list:

1. Done with our cannonical interview
2. Submitted our wedding banns to our respective parishes (will get it on the last week of August)
3. Filed our marriage license at Quezon City Hall (will pick it up after 10 days)
4. My secondary sponsors and Tim's mom had their gown measurement last Saturday (met with them at Carlos' Pizza, Metrowalk) -- i hope you guys liked the designs!
5. Scheduled our pre-nup with Parkershot (courtesy of w@w auction) and was able to find a pre-nup location (outside Metro Manila but Parkershot waived our out of town fee -- yipee!)
6. Submitted our draft for the invites (waiting for the initial lay-out)
7. Bought my wedding shoes and Tim liked it
8. Bought my mom's wedding shoes and we got it for a good price because it was on sale

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