Monday, August 3, 2009

Cannonical Interview

When: August 01, 2009 (9:00am)

It's good thing we arrived early at Malate Church because we were the first couple in line for the interview.  We filled up some forms and while waiting for the priest, more than 5 couples arrived (also for their interviews).

Bride first - that is why I was the first one interviewed by Father John. Although I read some feedback from the w@w forum, I still can't help but be nervous about the interview.  I even asked Dhang (of Malate Church) what happens if you don't pass the interview, she laughed and told me not to worry.  It was a casual interview with Father John.  We talked about my lovelife (yup, including my past bfs), my work, my family and of course, my relationship with Tim.  He even gave me a gift about dieting because I told him I need to lose a few pounds for my wedding.  I think it lasted more or less 15 minutes before he asked me to call my groom.  I think his interview with Tim was shorter, because as you know, Tim really isn't the talkative type.Ü 

As Father John told me, our being opposite is a good thing because we compliment each other (e.g. introvert-extrovert) and it would be a good balance for our future kids.Ü  I enjoyed my interview with him that is why I asked him if it is possible for him to officiate our wedding.  He told me I can request for him (I told Dhang to note it down on our documents) and it would still depend on his schedule by November.

One down and two more seminars to go (Sept 6 and 13) and we'll be done with our church requirements.Ü

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