Monday, August 24, 2009

Gem's Baby Shower

Date: August 23, 2009
Venue: Don Hen, West Ave.

Pre-Nup Teaser

Date: August 24, 2009
Venue: Sierra Madre Resort, Rizal

We had our first pre-nup - courtesy of w@w auction - with Parkershot Photography.

these are not the official pics. these photos were taken by our back up photographer -- my sister: Kaira!Ü

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Goodbye Dayeanne

Dayeanne was my cousin from my father side and I can tell you right now that she is my "pinakamabait" cousin and nobody on our family will object.  Until the very end, she thought of her family and said "Sorry" to her mom (Auntie Day) because of the hospital expense.

I remembered that I talked to Auntie Day last Monday to follow up on a mail that I sent her.  She then told me she's in Manila (at Dayeanne's dorm) because my cousin has a fever. Since it was already declared that Wednesday will be a holiday because of Pres. Cory's burial, she decided to bring Dayeanne home in the province (Nueva Ecija) so she can take care of her.

I learned that they brought her in the hospital on Thursday (also in Nueva Ecija) and she was given 6 bags of blood already because her platelets were really low.  She was then transferred here in Manila (at Hospital of the Infant Jesus) last Friday and even though it was after visitting hours already, my dad went to the hospital to check on Dayeanne.

After the gown measurement of my entourage last Saturday, Tim and I went to the hospital to visit Dayeanne.  She was confined in the ICU because she was having a hard time breathing - she had pneumonia.  My parents also arrived and we can all feel the tension in the air because Auntie Day cried every now and then.  I got the chance to go inside the ICU but was not able to talk to Dayeanne because of the tube on her.  We left the hospital and all Auntie Day told us was to continue praying for Dayeanne's recovery.  Since her platelets were already improving, all we have to worry right now is the pneumonia.

Sunday morning, around 6:30 am, we were all up (my dad, mom, me and Kai) because Kai has an early class (review).  Her phone rang and I heard her say "Auntie Min (my dad's sister) and then.. "Ha? (in a loud, surprised voice) and from lying on her bed, she sat up immediately.  I can see her shocked reaction that is why I asked her "Baket?".  She did not answer.  I had a bad feelin about it that is why I grabbed her phone and gave it to my dad.  She then told me "Wala na si Dayeanne...".  I can hear my dad talking on the phone, confirming the news.  Without wasting any minute, I saw him changing clothes, I did not say a word but I immediately changed clothes as well.  I knew at that point that he was going to the hospital and I was going with him.  My mom said they will just follow because it would take us longer if we wait for all of us to changed clothes.  I called Ate Abi to asked her what happened and she told me she just talked with Tio Caloy (Dayeanne's dad) around 5:30am and he told her that she was critical.  I then asked her "Hindi mo ba alam?" and she answered "Ang alin?".   I told her the bad news.  Like me, she couldn't believed it and she said we can just meet at the hospital when she learned we were leaving already.

When we arrived at the hospital, I saw Auntie Day and I immediately hugged her.  I can still remember what she told me... "Wala na si Dayeanne.. wala na ang pinsan nyo.." I started crying especially when I saw my dad hugged her, it was then I saw her break down on my dad's arms.  My dad didn't cry but I can see his eyes with tears - I knew he felt he needed to be strong for his sister.

When Ate Abi arrived, we went inside the ICU - Dayeanne was still there - and as I looked at her, she looked like she was only sleeping.  A priest gave her the final blessing and we waited until it was time to bring her home to Nueva Ecija.

We will lay her to rest on Sunday and we will only have one week to grieve our loss. Please pray for her soul. Please pray for her family. 
18 years was all that was given to us.  It was unexpected and until now I can't believe that she's already gone.  I know that I should not ask "Why?" because God has a reason for everything.  As my Dad told me "Thy will be done..".

I know you're at peace and happy right now - together with Lolo Papang, Lola Mamang and Auntie Yolly.  Be our guardian angel and continue to look after us.

Goodbye Dayeanne.

Wedding Updates (08.10.09)

Some things off our list:

1. Done with our cannonical interview
2. Submitted our wedding banns to our respective parishes (will get it on the last week of August)
3. Filed our marriage license at Quezon City Hall (will pick it up after 10 days)
4. My secondary sponsors and Tim's mom had their gown measurement last Saturday (met with them at Carlos' Pizza, Metrowalk) -- i hope you guys liked the designs!
5. Scheduled our pre-nup with Parkershot (courtesy of w@w auction) and was able to find a pre-nup location (outside Metro Manila but Parkershot waived our out of town fee -- yipee!)
6. Submitted our draft for the invites (waiting for the initial lay-out)
7. Bought my wedding shoes and Tim liked it
8. Bought my mom's wedding shoes and we got it for a good price because it was on sale

Monday, August 3, 2009

Farewell Pres. Cory Aquino

Both of my parents are Ninoy/Cory loyalists. Don't ask my dad about it because he can go on and go about Ninoy/Cory and EDSA. This is the reason why I woke up my dad at 4:00am to give him the news about Cory's death. He didn't believed me at first, but I told him I saw the news posted at ABS-CBN website. He then opened the TV and he saw that there was a live broadcast about it.

I told Tim I wanted to visit the wake since I learned that it will be at La Salle Greenhills. However, Tim did not agree with me that is why we just went home after our hectic schedule last Saturday.

Sunday morning, we (me, my dad, mom and kai) all woke up very early and the first thing we did was to check the TV for news. There was no plan, but it was understood that we will be going to the wake. It rained that is why we left house around 9:00am already.

We arrived at La Salle Greenhills around 10am and the line was already outside the gate but not as long as we expected. Within 15 minutes, we were already inside the school (waiting shed). However, the line stopped moving to give way to the mass celebration and it lasted for more than an hour. Good thing, they were giving free bottled waters, candies (Kopiko, Kisses and Hersheys) to people standing in line. People were talking to each other, each sharing the reason why we were there - waiting in line for more than two hours - just to get a glimpse of the former president.

After the mass, they allowed the public viewing again. Before 2:00pm, we left the wake. We waited in line for more than 3 hours.. but it was all worth it.

May you rest in peace.

Cannonical Interview

When: August 01, 2009 (9:00am)

It's good thing we arrived early at Malate Church because we were the first couple in line for the interview.  We filled up some forms and while waiting for the priest, more than 5 couples arrived (also for their interviews).

Bride first - that is why I was the first one interviewed by Father John. Although I read some feedback from the w@w forum, I still can't help but be nervous about the interview.  I even asked Dhang (of Malate Church) what happens if you don't pass the interview, she laughed and told me not to worry.  It was a casual interview with Father John.  We talked about my lovelife (yup, including my past bfs), my work, my family and of course, my relationship with Tim.  He even gave me a gift about dieting because I told him I need to lose a few pounds for my wedding.  I think it lasted more or less 15 minutes before he asked me to call my groom.  I think his interview with Tim was shorter, because as you know, Tim really isn't the talkative type.Ü 

As Father John told me, our being opposite is a good thing because we compliment each other (e.g. introvert-extrovert) and it would be a good balance for our future kids.Ü  I enjoyed my interview with him that is why I asked him if it is possible for him to officiate our wedding.  He told me I can request for him (I told Dhang to note it down on our documents) and it would still depend on his schedule by November.

One down and two more seminars to go (Sept 6 and 13) and we'll be done with our church requirements.Ü