Monday, January 10, 2011

Planning My Pregnancy

After our wedding, Tim and I decided to wait for least six months before trying to have a baby so that we'll be able to enjoy our first months as a married couple.

However, a month after our wedding, I remember the exact date - December 26, 2009, I had my monthly period and I felt sad and disappointed.  Naiyak pa nga ako. Although our initial plan was to wait for a few months, I still wished that maybe.. just maybe.. God would already give us our baby.  Tim and I talked again about our plans and we both agreed that our waiting period is over.  I want to have a baby already and that's when I decided to visit my OB.

I told my OB - Dr. Madelene Ang De Joya about our plans of having a baby.  She scheduled me for a series of ultrasound and that's when we found out that I have polycystic ovary and that even though I have regular monthly period, I don't ovulate and there is no way of getting pregnant since I'm not producing any eggs.  She asked me to take "Clomid" to help me ovulate and then return on a specific day so that we can check the progress of my egg cells.  The medicine worked and believe or not, we were able to monitor the growth of my egg cell through ultrasound.  She said we just have to wait and see if our effort for that month was enough.

It was a long wait.  There's still two weeks before my scheduled monthly period.  I remember clearly that I was expecting to have my period last February 20, 2010 and it was the next morning when I tried the pregnancy test.  I knew then that chances of the test being positive was really small since I was only a day late.  The test came back as negative and  I called my OB in the afternoon to inform her of the result.  When I told her that it was negative, she asked me if I waited for 5mins as instructed.  I told her "No".  She then asked me if I still have the test and to check on it again.  Since the test kit was already in the trash can, I told her, I'll get it and will just call her again.  I found the test kit and imagine my surprise when I saw a faint second line on it!  Since I have another pregnancy kit, I tested again and this time, waited for 5 mins before looking at the result.. and again, there was a faint second line.  I did not know how to react, my knees felt weak and my hands were cold.  Since Tim is still in the office and I won't be able to reach him, I called my sister and told her about the result.  She screamed but I told her to keep it quiet since I want to keep it a secret first until we are really sure.

I then put both pregnancy test on the table and waited for Tim to come home.  When he arrived, I showed him the result and told him I think our efforts paid off.  You should have seen his smile!Ü  It was one of our most unforgettable day - February 21, 2010 - exactly 3 months after our wedding, when we found out that we're going to be parents.Ü

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