When: February 21, 2009
Where: Bizu Greenbelt
Tim and I attended the W@W Chat Unplugged sponsored by W@W (WeddingsatWork). It was attended by other w@wies and these suppliers:
Eddieboy Escudero (photographer), Veluz (gown designer), Jody Liwanag of Events Experts (events planner), Ronald of 4th Wall (production design), Jong Mesina & Ghia Pastoral of The Write Impression (social printer), Audrey Tanco of Bizu (private caterer & cake confectioner), and Jason Magbanua (videographer).
The highlight for me was meeting "Jason Magbanua" and "Veluz Reyes" in the flesh! My God! I was really starstruck when I saw them. I've been checking their websites/blogs regulary to see their latest works. I know and I have accepted the fact that we can't afford them on our wedding, so I have settle in just being a "fan" of these "masters".
Tim was really laughing at me because I kept on telling him... "Mahal, that's Jason and Veluz" and that I really need to have a picture with them. When the chat ended, I approached Jason and asked him if I can have a picture taken with him -- hindi na talaga ko nahiya kasi this is now or never! I may not get to see him again or get another chance for a photo op. Please check out his website to see his works. Here's my photo with the "Master Videographer" - Jason Magbanua:
Tim was telling me that we should leave already, but I was firm with my stand that I would not leave Bizu without having a picture with "Veluz". Eversince we started preparing for our wedding, I've been drooling over the designs and gowns made by Veluz. Too bad we really can't afford her. She was having her yosi break outside Bizu when I approached her for a photo op. She was so approachable and makulit which made me love her more.. hahaha!Ü I was really a FAN!Ü I told her I've been looking at her designs and too bad her price range was waaaaaaaaay out of our budget. She said that I should still give her a call so that we can talk about --- Mahal, are you reading this???Ü A girl can dream right?Ü I was so happy at this point that's why I have this "super smile" on our photo. Please check her blog so see some of her works.
Here's my picture with the "mother" of W@W - Ms. Benz:
And lastly, here's a pic with my h2b (husband-to-be):