Sunday, November 30, 2008

W@W 2008 Christmas Party

Where: Lancaster Suite

grabbed some pics from Metrophoto, Richie Macapinlac and sis Odeng

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wedding Countdown (11.21.08)

One year from today, Tim and I will be getting married at Malate Church.  To celebrate our wedding countdown, we attended the w@w xmas party at Lancaster Suite.Ü

To say that we had a great time would be an understatement!  We had a blast!Ü Here's why:

1. Meeting Sir John and Mam Benz.

2. Meeting other w@wies (hi to faith and poj, odeng and erwin, michelle and beejay).

3. Seeing famous wedding suppliers (Metrophoto, Mimi and Karl, Threelogy, Jason Magbanua, Queen and David of Just like Ours, Clarice of Events by Clarice, Boyet and Jet of Josiah's Catering, Nadia of Partpics, Threelogy and many more!)

4. Food, food, food!Ü  The food was provided by Josiah's and the long wait to taste the food was so worth it.  Aside from the normal buffet table (chicken, beef, rice, ect.), they also prepared pasta station (make your own pasta), mongolian station and dessert bar.

5. Open bar by Flaming Olives.

6. Getting the 2009 w@w desktop gallery.

7. Pictures, pictures and pictures!Ü Partypics and Fotoloco provided the photobooths for the evening.  We got a personalized calender from Fotoloco and lots of photos from Partypics (thanks Nadia).

8. Getting a lot of freebies - I got a cake from Alex Franco (yummy!), brownies also from Alex Franco and 1 GC for a massage.

9. Seeing the guy suppliers in their Santa costume!Ü  Thanks to Bong of Threelogy for being the 4th quater team's (Oct/Nov/Dec) representative.

10.  Open forum with the suppliers - I learned a lot about giving tips, asking for discounts, etc.

11. Lastly, having a group picture with all the w@wies and suppliers.

Thanks mahal for coming with me.. Alam ko namang super nag-enjoy ka sa dami ng food! hehehe!Ü

Note:  As part of our wedding countdown, we want to share our wedsite -  Don't forget to sign our guestbook!Ü

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

w@w auction experience (11.20.08)

The items up for bidding are products and/or services donated by various wedding suppliers to help the w@w community raise funds for mounting the upcoming w@w Christmas party (happens this Friday!) and the 10th Anniversary Celebration in March 2009. The annual auction is open exclusively for W@Wies who are given the chance to get the donated items at a fraction of its actual market value.

Being a
w@wie, this announcement from Ms. Benz immediately caught my attention in one of her messages. I told Tim that since i don't have access to the internet 24/7, he needs to help me with it.

Ms. Benz provided a list of suppliers and items that we can bid on and we actually won 3 items! Yahoo!Ü Good teamwork mahal!Ü  I computed the actual price of the items vs the auction price, and we saved a total of Php10,700.00.

What can I say? I really love being a w@w member! Kaya to all those soon to be brides, register and be part of the w@w community.  To sir John and Mam Benz, super thank you.Ü  Can't wait for the xmas party tomorrow so that I can meet you and the other w@wies

I'll end this blog with the w@w signature (for every post you make, you have to end it with this)

tim and kaye
malate church/villa immaculada

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grand Bridal Shower Party (11.09.08)

Congratulations to Weddings and Lifestyle, Loi Villarama and his team (Loi Villarama Events Management) for hosting/organizing the country’s first one of its kind Bridal Shower! Since I was included in the first 100 to register on-line, I was given 3 tickets and I invited my officemate - Coy and Gracey to join me. I called the office if I can get an additional ticket because I want to bring Kaira along. Luckily, they said yes and reserved two more tickets for me.

As Loi mentioned, there are brides who don't get to experience a bridal shower party because of "tamad" frriends. Hopefully, my friends won't let me down and they'll organize one for me.Ü

I saw some w@wies but didn't approach them (hiya ako.. hehehe). I also saw Honeylyn (JP's ate) and Zein (my college blockmate)

Highlights of the event:

1. Free food courtesy of Center Table Catering and Juan Carlo Catering
2. Bridal Gown and Entourage Fashion Show
3. Fotoloco booth
4. Watching "The Sentimental Groove" (my wedding band) performed

pics from my camera - to follow
pics below grabbed from Megapixel

H.S. Barkada (new video)